How we do business?
Very Simple
Absolutely No Complications
90% of our programs run based on experiential methods. 80% of the learning will be retained in the memory of the delegates when they learn through experiential method. MpowerMe’s strength is to connect every punch point that you learn from the program directly to what you do in the office and in personal life. During the session we connect the delegates directly to the operational process that they do at the corporate, be it any sector.
Also the fact is, 80% of the learning will be retained in the minds of delegates for a long time when they learn through experiential method compared to the Power Point based method in which delegate can retain only 10% after 2 weeks. As per the experts, it makes more sense when a delegate learns through hands on method, he/she will get connected to the real world very effectively.
Experiential learning is nothing but the process of making meaningful sense from direct, practical, live examples & experience.
The methodology that we follow is E-E-E.
Evaluate – Empower – Elevate
At this stage, It is important to know the aim and the goal of the program. Based on the program, after series of meetings and interviews, we carefully look at original objectives, and give a predicted output on what can be accomplished and how it can be accomplished. If the planning is right then the execution is simple. We also customize the programs if required.We believe in spending quality time during this stage to hit the bulls eye at the end of the session.
MPowerMe believes in one simple mantra, ie, “Everyone Is Special and Can Do It”. There is no one in the world with less power than others. Everyone has the ability to do what they believe in “can do”. Very carefully we engage with the delegates and allow or help them to discover their hidden or untouched talents. Be it psychological or at subconscious level, we educate and empower the delegate with the real scenarios and connect that to a process that they follow in their corporate and in personal lives. During the session, we bring the awareness and create a shield of power around them. We use lot of experiential activities which relates and drives towards the final objective.
We help delegates to get into AWARENESS mode and discover or realize what they lack or what they are good at. The session also helps as to how they can rectify or enhance their skill level and take it forward for the betterment. A series of debriefing sessions takes place after every activity during which the delegates will be asked to share their experience and how they can connect back to their corporate or personal lives. This session is very powerful and connects the hearts of the delegates. They can easily co-relate to the processes that they are currently in and how they can change themselves to see better and positive results. We stimulate and motivate them to Elevate their belief levels.